Program Goals
Provide safe and stable housing for families – 24 hours a day, 365 days per year for up to 2 years per family.
Provide guidance, counseling and life skills training
Reduce drain on community resources
Help families rebuild their lives and break the cycle of
homelessness and dependency
Facilitate progress beyond entry level jobs to a living wage
Provide a career program to facilitate progress to a living wage.
Help families recover their children from foster care
Keep participants off drugs & alcohol
Help children avoid becoming the next homeless generation
Involve children in Youth Groups and provide them with counseling, Tutoring and Whiz Kids
Program Objectives
In this phase we determine whether our program is suitable for the family and that we meet the needs of the family. In making this determination, we consider matters such as the following:
Phase 2
Connection Phase
(usually 90 days after acceptance)
During this phase the Haven House team works with the family on the issues that led the family to seek help. For example, adaptation to Haven House and its guidelines and employment issues are addressed.
Phase 3
Partnership Phase
This phase which can be well over a year depending on the needs of the family.
We begin with the development of a long-term plan for the family. This plan will contain a series of goals the family needs to achieve to ensure success in pursuing permanent housing and a sustainable lifestyle. Programs are offered, directly or through available community services, and are designed to assist the family in reaching their goals.
Developing community building skills, by active participation in various support groups and regular attendance at community activities, are an important part of our programs.

Haven House
Our services are delivered in a 13,500 sq. ft. facility located on 2 acres in a park like setting well suited for families and our programs. The building has 36 units with family private baths and a capacity for 15 to 18 families. We were fortunate in 2015 to be able to purchase this previously rented facility thereby securing a permanent home for our services.
In 2018 we acquired a 450 sq.ft. building that is used as a Learning Center for the parents and children.